Tag Archives: makeup

How to Get Fuller Lips without Injections?

A trip in the subway of any major city can be puzzling: is there some kind of epidemic? Is the planet attacked by wild bees? Otherwise, why do many young ladies have full lips? The answer is simple: injections. In the pursuit of the recent trend, more women have decided on fillers to look “fashionably beautiful”. If you feel ill at ease when thinking about Jolie’s and other famous beauties’ full lips, do not rush to have injections. You can augment your lips quite safely and even without leaving home. These little tricks will help you. Continue reading How to Get Fuller Lips without Injections?

10 Beauty Trends We Wish Never Existed

Fashion is so tempting! It is changing so rapidly that it is almost impossible to keep up with new trends. But we try to do it, enjoying the very process of pursuing the trends. It’s funny that the image which arouses everyone’s admiration today can provoke logical questions tomorrow. One doubts if such things could once be trendy at all. The same is true about the trends from this list. Continue reading 10 Beauty Trends We Wish Never Existed

11 Secrets Cosmetics Brands Will not Reveal

Few things can raise a woman’s mood better than shopping does. Especially if it’s cosmetic shopping. Unlike dresses and jeans, a new lipstick or face cream are unlikely to make you look plump and will not force you to think about an urgent weight loss. On the contrary: a reflection in the mirror with a new makeup will certainly please you. Sometimes we spend an unreasonable amount of money for all these magic jars and boxes. It is the secrets of the beauty industry, carefully concealed from customers, that are to be blamed for this situation. Continue reading 11 Secrets Cosmetics Brands Will not Reveal

10 Female Beauty Tricks Men Secretly Hate

Many women want to know what men like because it is the only way to bedazzle them using the right weapon. You can find many articles on this topic in the Internet, but what about men’s dislikes? It is not enough to know what men like, it is important to know what repels them! Though it may not be true for all men, but still you need to know the 10 things that most of them consider unattractive. Continue reading 10 Female Beauty Tricks Men Secretly Hate

6 Best Beauty Tricks for Busy Women

Deadlines, time pressure, and force majeure are our eternal companions in life, interfering with our intention to recover fresh appearance in the morning. You need not tell anyone that you have suffered another sleepless night – your eyes will tell this. To avoid such a treacherous betrayal, we suggest practicing a few proven beauty techniques. Continue reading 6 Best Beauty Tricks for Busy Women

Cosmetics Products Must-Haves for the Gym

It’s no secret that a gym is a place where your body works hard and is really tested for durability. After an intensive training, your beauty needs special recovery. So, we’ve compiled a list of must-have beauty products that will be useful throughout the training and till the very moment you leave the gym. Indeed, the body will be grateful for using these products. Continue reading Cosmetics Products Must-Haves for the Gym