Month: November 2016

  • 6 Things to Know about Male Cheaters

    6 Things to Know about Male Cheaters

    What makes a man cheat? There are 6 excuses guys use to explain that. (more…)

  • 7 Steps to Getting Perfect Brows

    7 Steps to Getting Perfect Brows

    Eyes are the mirror of our souls. But today, each user of Instagram will say with confidence that the girl’s appearance begins with … eyebrows. Look at any young lady in the social networks, in the street or in the underground: her makeup can be minimal, but the underlined (and sometimes clearly painted) eyebrows will be visible at a distance of ten meters. Everyone wants to be trendy. However, before running to the salon or trying to be “fashionable” and transforming your face, you should learn 7 simple rules that will help to do it right and feel no regret. Hollywood makeup artists recommend them! (more…)

  • 17 Smart Beauty Tricks for Women

    17 Smart Beauty Tricks for Women

    Makeup is not an easy task. Every woman knows it. In our new review, we will focus on how to properly and efficiently add some beauty and style to your image. (more…)

  • 15 Features of Men’s Places that Girls Are Sure to Dislike

    15 Features of Men’s Places that Girls Are Sure to Dislike

    As you set about planning a date, you put your head to solving such issues as what your outing will include, where you will take the girl for dinner and a movie. Or is it just too trite and you are going to a fair for a change? Or you have the same favorite band and grab an opportunity to attend their concert. (more…)