Beauty Bloggers Share an Anti-Acne Mask Recipe

Who does not want to have a beautiful, perfect skin? However, there are often a number of obstructions between the dreams and the harsh reality that glances at you from the mirror every morning. For example, unattractive rash and acne spots. Concealing them with powder or foundation is effective, but not very useful. It is better to treat your skin with a useful mask made of natural ingredients that gently eliminate imperfections. It is many bloggers’ secret weapon!

Girls with problem skin know that sometimes it is easier to eliminate the hateful pimples than the spots left after them. Acne gives a lot of trouble. Girls apply layers of concealer and expensive lightening products. Why not trying a natural alternative? The bloggers who have successfully overcome this minor aesthetic imperfection say “yes”. However, we strongly recommend testing for an allergic reaction first. Also, keep in mind that the mask’s positive influence is due to a slight vasodilatory effect. If you have checked, and there are no contraindications, let’s start!

To prepare an effective anti-acne mask, you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon;
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice

Mix all ingredients in a ceramic bowl to a paste. And afterwards, heat it a little in the microwave or on a water bath. The honey should be liquid enough, without the slightest traces of sugar.

After washing your face with usual products, gently apply the mask on your face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Afterward, rinse with warm water. Use at least three times a week.

How can a homemade mask help?

Honey is one of the most effective and natural remedies for nourishing the skin. It is able to “lock” the moisture, and the antioxidants contained in it weaken the negative effects of UV rays. It also soothes redness.

Cinnamon dries out inflammations and kills bacteria causing them.

Lemon also has an antibacterial effect, and even lightens the skin, which is especially important against acne. The wonderful aroma will be a nice bonus.