How CBD Could Help Improve Your Relationship

Cannabis has been used recreationally for as long as humans have consumed the herb, as it can help to improve mood and induce laughter, which strengthens social bonds and perhaps even relationships. However, the mind-altering effects that come from THC’s psychoactive properties have always been controversial, and nowadays many are wary about taking cannabis in fear of experiencing unpredictable side effects.

But while the risks of THC are regularly overplayed, with sensible, controlled consumption posing few long-term dangers, the temporary cognitive impairment is also unpalatable to some. Thankfully, for those averse to a psychoactive cannabis experience, there are a number of non-intoxicating options now on offer, based around a cannabinoid called CBD, or cannabidiol. Vaping CBD e-liquid and vape oil, or swallowing CBD capsules does not induce a heady “high”, but it can produce therapeutic benefits that may be of interest to you and your partner.

Reduced stress, anxiety and improved wellbeing

Once the initial phases of a relationship are over, the realities of co-dependency set in, and it’s not always all that we imagined – especially if both lead busy lives. Relationships can be stressful, and the more anxious and agitated that we feel, the more likely we are to lash out and argue often with our significant other, which of course isn’t healthy.

However, CBD helps to free us from stress and negative, anxious thoughts, without affecting our memory or cognitive control like alcohol. While we may consider a glass of wine or bottle of beer as an essential to wind, alcohol is actually a depressant, and the chemical changes it makes can have a negative effect on our mental health.

In contrast, CBD makes beneficial chemical adjustments to the body, improving our wellbeing by working to regulate the endocannabinoid system, that influences several emotional variables, including appetite, stress and mood.

Studies have shown that anandamide is a vital neurotransmitter in the endocannabinoid system, that boosts mood by binding with the CB1 receptor. CBD increases the presence of anandamide in the body, hence why it is credited for being an effective antidepressant.
Research published in the Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research in 1993 revealed that CBD is a sedative and affects secretion of cortisol, a stress hormone.

The importance of mental health seems to have been forgotten by Western society, and only in recent years have we seen a genuine mainstream push to help destigmatize conditions like depression and general emotional instability. However, with cannabinoid science demonstrating the relevance of the endocannabinoid system to our mental health, people are beginning to wake up to the easy positive changes they can make to their wellbeing through CBD.

So, if your relationship has fallen on hard times, and you find yourselves stressed and arguing regularly, try taking CBD daily for a few weeks, and see if it helps to improve your own state of mind and the relationship between you.

Enhanced productivity can boost wellbeing and strengthen relationships

We all have targets and goals in life and failing to meet our lofty standards can affect us personally, and also damage our relationships. However, by removing anxieties, CBD is able to improve our focus levels, allowing us to get on with the task at hand. Spending less time procrastinating and achieving our personal ambitions has a naturally positive impact on our wellbeing, and the better we feel about ourselves, the better we are for others to be around. For a partner who lives with you every day, this is very important – happiness, after all, is key to any relationship.

Better sex life

Yes, believe it or not, you can even use cannabis to enhance your sex life. While this is perhaps more understandable with THC because of the euphoria and heightened sensations that occur with a typical experience, there are also benefits to using CBD in the bedroom.

For people who are having issues with body confidence or anxiety during sex, the event itself can often be underwhelming as more time is spent in the head trying to perfect each moment, rather than just immersing in it. However, a dose of CBD, preferably vaped for more potent effects, works to dissolve these unhelpful feelings, and allow you to enjoy time with your partner, without worrying about getting embarrassed or underperforming.

If sex tends to be a painful experience, then the soothing effects of CBD can be very helpful. The compound reduces pain differently to THC, with some researchers suggesting that CBD works in a mechanism involving anandamide and the capsaicin receptor, which modulates pain perception.

For many in long-term relationships or marriages, convenient moments to get “high” are often few and far between. When it’s not practical to be in an altered state of consciousness, due to commitments such as looking after children or work later in the day, a non-psychoactive product is the way to go. CBD still provides a nice body buzz and can also help with other problems that are getting in the way of a good sex life.

We touched on pain during sex, but for those who have to endure chronic pain generally, this also makes things more difficult. However, CBD’s pain-quelling effects are extensive, with the cannabinoid working to reduce neuropathic pain and inflammatory pain. If the pain is internal, then vaping CBD e-juice or consuming edibles such as CBD gummy bears helps deliver noticeable relief. However, for more external complaints, like bruising and swelling, topical application of a CBD pain cream may produce better results.

In a nutshell, the key to enjoying a better sex life is to remove all the mental clutter and physical obstacles that are stopping you from doing so. Whether it’s chronic pain or anxiety bringing you down, CBD can be of use.

Final thoughts

While these relationship benefits may not have been proven in a scientific, clinical setting, we can say with confidence that CBD has a positive impact on mood and can ease certain kinds of pain. These useful traits can be extrapolated, and then applied in a relationship context.