Best Habits for Looking Younger

You should understand that the sensitive area around the eyes gives away your age almost in the first place. The skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is very thin, there are practically no sebaceous glands there – that is why it needs the most protection from the sun’s rays, which cause premature aging. In addition, when squinting in the sun, you make the crow’s feet deeper and more noticeable (by the way, the same happens when you squint from a computer screen). So, make conclusions and never leave home without quality glasses, even in winter.

Reduce the number of coloring drinks

Do not forget that your teeth also reveal your ag, so try to reduce the consumption of coloring drinks – strong tea, black coffee, and wine. Stay away from soda and packaged juices with a high content of sugar and preservatives – they do not only destroy the enamel, but also have a negative effect on the skin reducing the natural level of collagen production. We have already written about this.

Take a shower properly

At least do it wisely. Hot showers make the skin very dry, so try not to take them too often and gradually accustom yourself to lower temperatures. Secondly, never put your face under direct jets of water in the shower: the pressure of the water, along with its quality and high temperature, is too damaging for the skin.

Wear your hair loose

Smooth horsetails and tight buns look great on the catwalk and in real life, but they harm the hair. Any hairstyle where the hair is stretched, weaken hair follicles, and, as a result, your hair gets thinner every day. At the same time, healthy and shiny strands of natural shades are always in fashion. In addition, they make their owner visually much younger compared to girls with lifeless and dull hair.

Look up

Give up the habit of constantly looking down at your smartphone lying below the eye level. This unobtrusive habit (along with the habit of stooping and lowering the head all the time) leads to cheek sagging and the appearance of a double chin. Every time you lower your head to check instagram, you increase the effect of gravity on the oval of your face and neck. The solution is to keep the phone at eye level and, in general, teach yourself to hold your head high when walking!

Fight with your craving for sweets

No matter how boring it may sound, a balanced, healthy diet and regular exercise are the main secrets of youth. If you are not ready to give up cheeseburgers, start by reducing the number of sweets in your diet. As we have said, excess blood sugar adversely affects skin condition destroying collagen and protein compounds. In short, the fewer donuts, chocolates, and cheesecakes – the fewer wrinkles.

Sleep on your back

When you sleep with your face in the pillow, insidious wrinkles are more likely to appear on your face… No, seriously, this sleeping position practically guarantees swelling, wrinkles and a tired look in the morning, which does not make you look any better. Get used to sleeping on your back – it will keep you skin elastic.

In general, sleep more

Regardless of posture, just sleep! The quantity and quality of night rest is reflected in your appearance, and its lack causes many unpleasant phenomena – from wrinkles and depressed mood to cellulite and excess weight. You probably noticed that you look much fresher and younger after a good sleep. Could it be the secret of the unfading beauty of many Hollywood divas?