How You Can Tell that the Guy Really Cares

You came round to discussing your feelings – but can you be sure that what you hear from your best guy in the world is the truth and nothing but the truth? On the contrary, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be attempts to hide the real thing. No guy can be relied upon to open his heart to you the moment it dawned on him that you are his special person. In his understanding, it won’t be cool at all! Yet you want to know what is going on in his head/heart more than everything else. You have been dating long enough for you to get to base two, you know you are ready and willing to, but what about him, what does he feel? No, he won’t tell. And you (quite understandably) hesitate to broach the subject – it might derail your current relationship and cause unwelcome friction. It seems to be a stumbling block.

So if you feel exasperated by the situation, use your eyes – and this article – to try and figure out his real attitude. Here are some signs that will show he is serious about you.

Being honest

As soon as you realize he is completely open-hearted and honest with you, you can be sure he cares for you. Naturally, it doesn’t go for his expression of feelings, about which he will be evasive (especially at the beginning), but if in all other subjects you find him truthful, this shows he takes you seriously. Say you have the remains of an uneaten spinach piece on your tooth. Your date may refrain from mentioning it because first, he will feel awkward doing it, second, he knows it will embarrass you. He doesn’t care that much about you and he will rather keep silent. But if he likes you he won’t allow you to go about like that and be seen by other people. He would definitely prefer to have this one awkward moment to save you from further discomfort and the painful discovery when you get home, look into the mirror and realize you have been having this situation for hours. He will tell you straightaway things like what he is going to do or where he is at the moment because he won’t want to be caught out and look stupid in your eyes.

Respecting your inner tempo

However strange it may seem, your guy may want to give you enough time and space for the single reason he is into you. It would seem that if a guy has feelings, he will insist on being always there for you with all signs of his interest and attention, and if he is not, his interest is but weak. Yet things are not always that simple. You must distinguish between not wanting so much to be with you and giving you space. He understands you are not there for him all the time, you have other issues, other people around you, so he doesn’t want to be gushing. That means he is thinking about you and wants you to have your way without interfering with your life too much. He believes he might be too pushy and thereby scare you off.

Agreeing to do what he hates to

If he is not above doing things he usually won’t, he makes sacrifices and that means he thinks you are worthy of them. But don’t look for great sacrifices that might come out of a book or a movie, like agreeing to quit his current job or moving to another place. That would be overwhelming, unless you two are dead serious about being together. Mind small things like going to movies or places he doesn’t care for because he wants to be with you – he is ready to put up with something he dislikes for the sole reason of your liking it. If he goes out of his way to please you, he cherished deep feelings. You can do it too, right? You can go snorkeling with the guy you are fond of even if you don’t care for water pleasures just to make him feel good; so can guys. If you recognize this type of behavior, you can get a good idea of his feelings for you.

Texting you at all moments

Once you started to receive texts from him all the time, you can begin to suspect him of cherishing feelings for you. They won’t always be texts to pursue a certain subject that needs to be thrashed out; if he keeps thinking about you he is sure to be sending something silly like just emoji, asking you how you are or writing about what he feels about whatever he is doing. These texts will mean that he wants to contact you even if he doesn’t have much to tell you. He finds pure delight in such unnecessary communication; that is good! While you may wish his messages were a bit more cogent, it really means a lot. He is engrossed in what he is feeling and doesn’t want to think much about what he actually writes.

Remembering small things connected with you

People are habitually keyed up and acutely attentive when they are with someone they are fond of; those who have gone through numerous love affairs and can be considered “experienced” are no exception. The things he says grow in importance and are retained by the brain almost subconsciously. In the same fashion, the more a guy likes you the more he will listen to you and remember most of what was said. Later these things will crop up, he will show that he remembers what you told him and may suddenly text you questions about today’s event in your life that you may have forgotten you mentioned. Now you know that he had been listening carefully! Also, when you receive gifts, you can tell the guy was attentive to what you said because his present reflects your personality; he knew what to pick for you and he wanted you to enjoy his present.

Expressing jealousy

You know that his feelings run deep when he starts to grow jealous whenever it looks like you might be interested in some other guy. Of course, it’s a sure sign, but the fact is his getting jealous may not be obvious. You will have to take everything into account: body language, the look in his eyes, his gestures – do they change when he watches you hobnobbing with other dudes? He can start eyeing them closely or watching what is going on from the corner of his eye. On the other hand, some guys may prefer not to look at all. When you approach him with the other dude alongside, you will get a sharp reaction. They will either be withdrawing and offended, or try to joke their way out of what is for them an embarrassing situation. Anyway, it amounts to his hating to see you with somebody else.

Searching for ways to remain alone with you

It’s clear that when a guy changes his schedule to fit you in he has a crush on you, but it becomes pretty definite if he develops on the idea. If you caught him inventing excuses and going out of his way to spend more time with you, he’s hooked! And the same goes for women who would like to get a notion of what the guy they have their eye on feels about them. In case you have already been dating for some time you must be spending a lot of time just two of you; if you met but recently you can be expected to spend time in a company of mutual friends. Then he may get into the habit of picking you up to drive to the meeting place or offer to drive you home after the party – in short, he won’t miss the smallest opportunity of staying alone with you. He may not want to make a definite move – it’s just that he delights in having you around.

Displaying demonstrative body language

You can’t afford to ignore things like eye contact and body language, they are very important in a relationship. Even if a person holds himself well in hand and can control his movements, some of them slip out passing the guard of the consciousness easily. So if you need more than words to get a look into a person’s heart and figure out his attitude, body language is going to tell you things. A fellow who is into you is sure to come closer to you, lean towards you and look you in the eye as much as he can. Also, you can see him staring at you when he thinks you don’t notice it. Your current date will maintain a steady eye contact if he is attracted to you, and he will surely prefer to stand or sit right by your side in public, showing that he wants other people to see you together.

Feeling protective

Whatever he says about how much he has fallen for you, you will see the truth in his expressions of protective behavior. A man in love definitely wants his love interest to be physically safe and grows worried immediately if he believes that you are going to take risky steps or stick your neck out in any way. Then he will behave according to his temperament, that is, either he will try to argue you out of what he deems dangerous – although he understands you may not like it at all – or will follow you to make sure things are not going wrong. The difficulty is to distinguish rightly between a protective and oppressive attitude, for you are not going to put up with his being overbearing all the way. A boyfriend who is properly protective won’t be trying to control you, but will do the best he can to support, defend and prevent your reputation from getting besmirched in your absence.

Thinking of you from early morning till late evening

We already mentioned a true-admirer’s habit of sending his woman texts regularly albeit there can be not much to tell her; yet another symptom of love burning in his heart is when you receive texts first thing in the morning and well into the night – it shows that you are on his mind from the time he opens his eyes until when he shuts them! You ought to be able to tell, of course, when a guy is hooked on romance and not just being importunate. Then it is highly flattering that his feelings run high although his mind may be already almost dead due to a late hour. If you are in the mood, receiving texts and calls in all sorts hours is incredibly romantic. It can provide a sweeter sleep at night or a rush of energy in the morning. He is yours!

Being unable to remain angry for long

A man whose heart is full of love for you will be unable to stay angry with you for a long time; he will hate squabbling with the lady of his dreams, so (unless the argument has gotten way past good reason) he will be intent on getting it behind you and return to the good old lovin’ feelin’. If he considers the irritation to be of no great importance he may overlook it at all because he would avoid troublesome issues in your relationship. Since he is sold on you, your shortcomings will also be played down as much as possible. Here again you must be discerning, for it isn’t that you won’t ever quarrel or he will go to great lengths to keep you happy. You will have to notice what quarrels die down as soon as they are about to break out, that’s it. On the other hand, a partner who never goes counter to you might be just not interested enough in what you are doing and how it might end. So there will be arguments, some of them bitter, but a caring partner will be only too glad to move on.

Mindful of your well-being

This is the best way to be sure the guy is in love his mind (however he may actually be vocal about it). Once you have found out that he is concerned about your well-being instead of taking pains to ensure his own, you can heave a deep breath and tell yourself you have arrived. Because many other encouraging signs which involve texting and trying to spend time “just you and me, baby” could be implying that he wants to be close to you without sharing your lifestyle and the ensuing issues. But if he means you to have the best there could be for you and is there to encourage you to pursue your wildest dreams, no matter what it could come to eventually (although it might be without his scope), you have your lifetime partner you can rely on and never look back.