6 Problems You’ll Encounter When Traveling as a Couple

You cannot say you know your boyfriend well until you do several things together: quarrel, drink alcohol and travel. The last item includes the first two, so we’ll dwell upon it in detail. Your first vacation as a couple can be more revealing than all the time you have already spent together. You decide whether you are ready to travel with this guy. So you need to know what problems you may encounter during the first trip together and find the ways to solve them.

1. Experience stress while traveling to your destination

Travel is fun, but the way to your destination and all the organizational moments can cost a lot of nerves. Flights, long trips by car, and finding out how to get to the place can easily make you lose the positive attitude and spoil your mood and that of other people. To overcome the stress of travel, you need to look at things in the long run: you are on vacation with your partner. Even if anything goes wrong, evaluate what is happening in general. Stay calm, and the partner will feel your positive vibrations as much as when you cause stress. Whatever happens, concentrate on anticipating a rest together rather than on annoying details.

2. You may not like the same activities

You will not like everything your partner likes, so do not expect that he will share all your ideas as well. Joint planning is an important part of preparing for a trip: expectations of what you both would like to see and do on a trip will help avoid those little disputes that can ruin your vacation. “Understanding” is your favorite word for travel together.

3. You can find out that you are not a good match

A trip together is the best way to find out whether you are a good couple. If you have been together for a short period of time, disappointment is quite possible. Your first trip should be short; for example, just to go out of town for the weekend. During long-distance trips, you will come across many unusual situations and notice the qualities that you have never seen in each other before. You do not want to find out that you are incompatible in the middle of a two-week trip around Europe.

4. Find out that you have different travel goals

If you did not bother planning the trip, you may face the fact that your expectations do not match. He was looking for extreme rest, such as skydiving or camping, and you expected a quiet vacation to take a break from work, visit museums and restaurants and relax. The incompatibility of your expectations from travel can cause frustration and alienate you. It does not necessarily mean that you do not fit each other, you just need to pay more attention to discussing your plans.

5. You will spend too much time together

A sharp transition from dates on Fridays and common days off to cohabitation 24/7 will be stressful for those who have just started a relationship. It will make you very close, but perhaps even too much. If you do not want to get bored with each other well ahead of time, try to give your partner more freedom. You do not have to go everywhere together, even though it is your journey as a couple. Occasionally spend some time alone and enjoy your vacation in your own way.

6. You can feel disappointed because of too high expectations

The best advice for traveling is to have moderate expectations from the trip. It is difficult not to dream of an ideal holiday and not to imagine how everything will look like long before the trip itself. But such an approach will certainly lead to disappointment, especially since there are two of you and not everything depends on you alone. Do not become a hostage of your own fantasies. Think about traveling together not only as recreation but also as a way to strengthen and test your relationship.