10 Worst Things You Could Do to Your Skin

You can buy trendy items and expensive cosmetics every month and spend lots of time in the nail salon. But all these efforts will not be so effective, if you do not fix the main thing, that is the skin. After all, well-groomed skin without any expensive foundation creams looks great and healthy. And to make the reflection in the mirror satisfying without make-up, try to never do things from this list.

Taking care of yourself is a habit that is formed early, but its effect may be visible only after some years. But it’s worth trying. It’s never too late to start. A worthy starting point would be the rejection of these bad habits, which spoil your skin slowly but steadily.

1. Squeezing pimples

No matter how much you want to do this, it is totally unacceptable. Even if you consider yourself a qualified specialist in this business, the risk of infecting the skin and provoking new rashes is too great. In addition, after experiencing this aggressive impact, the skin can “take revenge” on you with scars that will be difficult to remove. So, it’s best to use a zinc ointment or other local, dermatologically approved remedies and mask the minor trouble with a concealer that contains a tea tree extract. Any pimples will disappear.

2. Failing to use sunscreen

Not only on the beach in summer, but all the year round. Over time, the sun provokes unwanted pigmentation, as well as wrinkles. That’s why the simplest thing you can do is to try a similar product with UV filters instead of your usual day cream. Fortunately, there is something to choose from.

3. Combining citric acid and the sun

Yes, it sounds exotic. Let us explain: citric acid is a popular component of many cosmetic and food products. It increases immunity, levels the skin tone and fights with local inflammations. In addition, it is poorly combined with ultraviolet. So a cream with citric acid in its composition and a day in the sun will lead to freckles and pigment spots. Be cautious when using products with this useful ingredient. It is preferable to apply them in the evening and when the weather is not hot. By the way, the same applies to lemonade on the beach and even beer with lime.

4. Making tattoos with white ink

To be brief, they cannot be removed even with laser. So, if you really want a picture on the body or a cosmetic tattoo, avoid white ink and other light colors too.

5. Use cosmetic products with “secret ingredients”

Dermatologists warn: if you cannot get complete information about the composition of the product, do not use it. No matter how advertised it is on the Internet. It is very simple to get an allergic reaction to an unknown component, but choosing the right treatment in this case will be extremely problematic.

6. Taking a great interest in self-made beauty products

Even cosmetologists agree that many homemade masks or creams can actually have an equally great effect as branded products in beautiful bottles. However, you should not conduct more complex beauty procedures on your own, for instance, chemical peelings or cleansing.

7. Using soap too often

Aggressive gels for washing (especially those for problem skin) and the habit of washing the face with soap mercilessly dry the skin and make its natural barriers thinner. The result manifests itself in peeling that is paradoxically combined with fatty shine (overdried skin starts to produce even more sebum in order to be saved from dehydration). Choose soft foams for daily water procedures and even try to replace them with tonics and hydrolysates – purified water with plant extracts (for example, a rose extract).

8. Using products beyond their shelf-life

Everything has its expiry date. When preservatives stop working, nothing will protect your cream from turning into a petri dish. Bacteria can easily provoke rashes, allergic reactions and other troubles. Is it really worth using these products?

9. Trying to treat acne yourself

In most cases, acne is a problem of a hormonal nature, not a cosmetic one. So, when it appears, be sure to consult a dermatologist and then pay a visit to an endocrinologist. Never try to pop pimples.

10. Ignoring sudden birthmarks and warts

If a new formation that you at first considered an ordinary pimple or an allergic reaction does not disappear, be sure to consult a dermatologist. This can be a symptom of a number of diseases, including melanoma. The sooner you contact a specialist, the healthier your sleep will be. Do not ignore the signals that your own body sends you.