Surprising Things That Harm Your Hair

You have known for a long time that blow-drying your hair is harmful just as not wearing a hat and exposing your hair to the sun. There are also less obvious things that harm your hair. If you want to understand why the condition of your hair is poor, think about how you handle it in general. We may not even notice these mistakes, but many of them have long-term consequences.

You wear wool

A woolen coat keeps us warm in cold weather, but this material also damages our hair: it accumulates static electricity, hair clings to it, and this leads to damage. When hair gets wet in the rain, it becomes even more vulnerable and brittle.

You eat tuna

While tuna is very nutritious and provides an excellent source of various micronutrients, it also contains high levels of mercury. This toxic heavy metal can cause serious health problems, which is why medical experts recommend eating foods that contain it in moderation. Mercury can also cause sudden hair loss, according to research.

You wear elastic bands

Tightly slicked-back hairstyles, such as a ponytail or bun, can damage your hair. The curled elastic presses on the hair can eventually lead to breakage. If you like to pull your hair into a ponytail, use fabric-covered accessories or hair ties in a spiral shape.

You use dry shampoo too often

Dry shampoo is the best way to refresh your hair when you don’t have time to wash it. But using it too often can cause itchy, dry, and flaky scalp. An unhealthy scalp, in turn, leads to hair loss and interferes with the growth of new hair. Thus, dry shampoo in most cases leads to dandruff, instead of simply cleansing the hair.

You wear sunglasses like a hair bezel

Wearing your sunglasses in this way helps you avoid losing them. But if you do it regularly, your hair can become thinner. Tight eyeglasses can obstruct blood flow to the scalp, which can slow hair growth. If you are allergic to metal, metal-framed glasses can damage your hair.