Natural Aphrodisiacs to Eat Every Day

You’ve definitely heard of “foods of love and passion,” but did you think you eat them every day? Here is the list of natural aphrodisiac foods you should absolutely give a try. These foods are not only therapeutic, but they help you feel like a new person ─ in love and willing to go beyond playful flirting (even after an 8-hour workday).


If not the royal truffle, then morels, butter mushrooms, Chinese wood mushrooms will also do – they are all extremely rich in vitamins, amino acids, and the main “sex mineral”, zinc. Therefore they will tone your body at the right time in the right direction. Giacomo Casanova is said to have had morels on his menu regularly ─ for impressive bedtime victories.


Make it a habit to give your beloved a bag of nuts every day at work ─ then it will increase the likelihood that every night you spend together will be a celebration. Any nut is both an energy source and a natural storehouse of testosterone. The top three are pine nuts, cashews, and almonds, but the “beer” pistachios and peanuts (in botanical terms, this is not a nut) don’t count.

Herbs and roots

Onions, garlic, parsley, asparagus, horseradish, and coriander are valued for their regenerative and diuretic properties and their richness in vitamin E. The first in the list of effective aphrodisiacs is celery. Be it leaf, petiole, or root – it makes the “stronger sex” really strong. Use dried celery as a seasoning for the soup; raw is excellent in a salad or smoothie, roasted or stuffed served hot.


Chocolate is the most feminine aphrodisiac and the most common treat in the world. Choose chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content, and do not forget to burn calories in time (with the help of love gymnastics, of course).


Fruit is an erotic dessert that doesn’t lead to gaining excess weight. Pay particular attention to strawberries, mangoes, apricots, peaches, and bananas. However, the last ones made it to the list because of their shape and high potassium concentration (designed to combat fatigue). Generally, there are no restrictions on the assortment, and the only requirement is that the fruit must be raw because all their stimulating properties evaporate during any processing.


Even scrambled eggs can be a turn-on if you serve them right. Don’t forget to flavor them with hot pepper, rosemary, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves, or saffron. Cinnamon and vanilla deserve a special mention as they are the most romantic aphrodisiac spices.


The main thing is that they fill the body with phosphorus, iodine, proteins, and, most importantly, zinc – the activator of energy and sexual drive. The nice part is that you don’t have to choose between “tasty” and “healthy” in this case.

To make the feast last after the meal, serve eel, lamprey, or sturgeon as the main course – their erotic qualities are also well-known. A great lover of oysters was Napoleon Bonaparte, who loved to win, including bed battles.