All posts by Claire London

6 Steps to Surviving Infidelity

Unfortunately or fortunately, living together does not always consist of joint visits to coffee houses, bouquets of roses, and romantic experiences. Sooner or later, we begin to live together. After a year, the passion goes away, and convenient habitual affection takes its place, life begins to get boring, and then it’s like a bolt from the blue: “He cheats on me!” It is not important how you learned about it, it is not important what led to it. It is important how you survive the consequences of infidelity. We have compiled a short list of actions that will definitely help to cope with heartache. Continue reading 6 Steps to Surviving Infidelity

Why Do Men Date Bitches & What to Learn from Them?

Society still sticks to the opinion that men prefer a bitch rather than a quiet woman who will smile affably in any situation and agree with everything the man offers. By the way, psychologists are in no hurry to support this statement and urge ladies to think properly, before starting to develop such quality as bitchiness in themselves and imagine what they would like to achieve in the long run. Let us try to understand whether it is worth listening to the opinion of experts or it is already time to switch over to the side of a bitchy person. Continue reading Why Do Men Date Bitches & What to Learn from Them?

How to Get Your Man to Do the Chores?

If you are tired of the fact that your man perceives you as a housekeeper and is not in a hurry to help you do everyday chores, you will probably find our tips useful. We have compiled a list of recommendations that will help rehabilitate the obstinate partner, and at the same time explain to him that the woman in the house is not intended only for endless cleaning and cooking. Continue reading How to Get Your Man to Do the Chores?

Traits of A Dissatisfied Woman That Reveal It All

Have you had to deal with ladies who are always dissatisfied with everything, and even the most innocent phrase causes a flurry of their emotions and a storm of indignation? Since you are sure to be influenced by this wave of negativity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of basic signs that will allow you to recognize an unsatisfied woman whom it will be difficult to deal with. Have you experienced something similar? Then avoid meeting with the woman and do not waste your time. Continue reading Traits of A Dissatisfied Woman That Reveal It All

8 Foods Rich in Collagen

The fight against skin aging is added to the daily routine of most women. But one often overlooks the fact that the youth of a person does not depend on creams at all. Elastic and glowing skin depends on collagen as one of the most important proteins in the body. It is contained in connective tissues, muscles, skin and digestive tract, maintaining their structure and elasticity. Lack of collagen leads to physical changes, wrinkles and sagging of the skin, and also starts to destroy joints and tendons. Continue reading 8 Foods Rich in Collagen

5 Worst First Date Ideas

Many people think that the ideal way to get to know a person is to stroll along the street and drink a cocktail or coffee. It sounds boring, but a simple date gives the optimal time to understand if people are interested in one another. In addition, the risk of getting into an embarrassing situation is minimal. Approaching the first date creatively is the right way to make someone feel uncomfortable. Here are the worst first date ideas which for some reason are popular. Continue reading 5 Worst First Date Ideas

Signs of a Truly Equal Relationship

Feminist values do not contradict the desire to create a family. The main thing is to find a person who will share your beliefs. Approaching relations as a partnership is the surest way to create a healthy family. The family model is laid from the first days of living together. Here are some expert tips for those who find it important to maintain equality in relations. Continue reading Signs of a Truly Equal Relationship

5 Steps to Closer Communication with Your Partner

Communication in a marriage is far more than just an interchange of everyday routine information. From an impersonal bandying of words, it becomes a vessel of feeling, loyalty, and respect, requiring a talent for avoiding squabbles and supporting when it’s necessary. Quality communication can make your union more intimate and durable. Continue reading 5 Steps to Closer Communication with Your Partner