Pregnancy brings much joy for the mum-to-be, however, many women worry about the changes their body undergoes during this time, especially when it comes to stretch marks. These unsightly stripes that appear on the body are a real problem women all over the world have to put up with. Not only do they look unattractive, but they are hard to remove and sometimes they remain on the body forever. Since they appear most often during weight gain and pregnancy, there are specific methods to minimize the risk of stretch marks.
Category: Health
Health tips, healthy nutrition tips, healthy life guide
Healthy Pets for Your Family
There are countless benefits to owning a pet. The companionship of an animal can lower the risk of developing depression or loneliness. On top of everything, some species encourage people to spend more time outside, which is a healthy activity that results in the production of vitamin D by our bodies. (more…)
The Importance of Support for Women Living with Endometriosis
Around the world, charities and other awareness movements are giving rise to more education, support, and fundraising for this common disease. To date, endometriosis impacts an estimated 176 million women across the globe, with nearly 2 million in the UK alone. Endometriosis can have a drastic, negative influence on an adult woman during her most reproductive years, and impacts are far-reaching in terms of societal, economic, and personal costs. Having a month dedicated to endometriosis and the women who live with the disease is necessary for creating a louder, stronger voice meant to make a difference in endometriosis diagnosis, treatment, and research. (more…)
Incontinence During Pregnancy and What are the Best Options for Treatment
Many women have varied health experiences during pregnancy, from morning sickness to the frequent need to head to the bathroom. Pregnancy incontinence, or leaking urine during pregnancy, is more common than most recognise, affecting nearly 55% of women who are expecting. Incontinence during pregnancy is simply the involuntary loss of urine, but the medical issue can range from mild to severe depending on the type of incontinence diagnosed. Before understanding the strategies for treating pregnancy incontinence, it is helpful for women to know how leaking urine comes about and the risk factors associated with the common condition. (more…)
At-home Remedies to Help Recovery from Varicose Vein Surgery
Varicose veins affect millions of adults each year for a variety of reasons. Whether it is a genetic predisposition, sending an exorbitant amount of time on the feet, or the natural aging process, varicose veins are an often uncomfortable, unsightly problem. As the vein walls break down within the body, blood begins to pool and cause bulging beneath the skin and the flow of blood to move in the opposite direction. This creates pressure on the legs and feet, dark blue or purple gnarled veins, and swelling and pain that can be difficult to treat on one’s own. (more…)