How many times we said that we had known right from the start that the relationship was doomed? At some moment it becomes clear that you can’t go on with this person, and you begin to remember incidents that kept irking you – actually sending you red signals of the coming disappointment. Many of these are very personal, but some are pretty well universal. See if you know all these signs purporting that things bode badly for your future together. (more…)
Category: Love & Dating
Happy relationships tricks, dating advice, love tips
10 Ways to Get Rid of a Guy
Do you remember the movie with Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days”, where the leading heroine made all possible mistakes trying to build a relationship? Psychologists believe that each of us resembles Hudson’s character a little, but we are not always aware of this. Many believe that if a partner loves you for who you are, you will not need the wisdom of trainings and psychologists’ help. So, what should be done for a man to run away from you? (more…)
Tips for Couples Moving in Together
Many people in love are waiting for this moment with their heart leaping. The first night in a common house, the first breakfast, cooked together, the first joint visits to a supermarket. The couple, just starting to live together, finds every household detail important; every common chore seems the most precious time. It is important to preserve this feeling for a long time. Today let’s talk about the main rules of how to begin living together. (more…)
8 Bad Reasons to Get Married
A short time after starting a relationship, most women can already articulate for themselves if they find their new boyfriend good enough, and whether they are ready to connect their life with him. Still, women are often guided by doubtful “selection criteria” when thinking about their future spouse. has decided to compile a list of 8 reasons why you must not get married with your boyfriend. (more…)
10 Steps to a Successful Marriage or Relationship
Probably right now is not the best time for weddings, as the season turns, Halloween thundered by, apple picking gets more news, the weather is still considering just how severe the coming winter ought to be, other distractions crowding. And yet there are certainly devoted people who don’t mind whether the season is conducive or not, they take the leap, fall in love and head straight for a wedding! Are they impatient to be happy or do they mean to keep each other warm in the cold months – and forever? Anyway, there is no wrong season to remind oneself of the ways to keep things romantic, open and otherwise healthy between you and the love of your life. So, here are some psychologically honed pieces of advice. (more…)
15 Fun Date Ideas for Cold Weather
As the weather begins to rage, people begin to crave home in the evening more. This is a wonderful time for stick-at-homes, who crave for nothing better than a cozy sofa and a flicking screen with drinks and snacks at their elbows. But if you are drawn outdoors in spite of cold and snow, you will also find fun things to do with your current girlfriend/boyfriend. Consider all possibilities – and look up those that didn’t occur to you. These hints, from the mildest to the most extreme, can help you get by until spring. (more…)
45 Tips on What to Do on a Second Date
You have gone through the vagaries of the first date with flying colors; after you delighted in your first victory, there looms another difficulty ahead of you – the problem of the following date. Now you can just make it a good restaurant, playing a safe game – but you could do it in a lot more creative style! (more…)
Tips for Surviving a Long Distance Relationship
Long distance relationships are still a questionable affair for many, though they have a variegated history behind them. People are apt to believe that this kind of relationship is bound to fail, but there are studies that actually prove the opposite: separation can sometimes equal satisfaction! It’s true that it is not easy to maintain and requires a certain level of skill to keep the fire burning. So, if you have miles and miles between you, there are some things you ought to know so that your love-line doesn’t get thinner and thinner as months go by. (more…)
3 Things to Consider When Ending a Relationship
Cutting a tiring relationship short is something that doesn’t come easy for a lot of people! They begin to hesitate, either in fear of a fiery confrontation or out of inability to do it in the least hurtful way possible, and this hesitation just goes on and on making one more confused and envious of people who can make swift clean cuts. Paul Simon’s advice from “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” will be no good! (more…)
6 Things to Know about Male Cheaters
What makes a man cheat? There are 6 excuses guys use to explain that. (more…)