Category: Makeup & Beauty

Beauty guides, makeup tips, cosmetics products

  • Hair Building Fibers Are Great for Hair Loss

    Hair Building Fibers Are Great for Hair Loss

    What do you notice first when meeting a new person? Clothing, color of eyes, tidy nails? Scientists say that it is hair. It occupies a relatively large area of the body and influences the perception of our appearance greatly. In particular, it affects our attractiveness. It is not surprising that natural hair loss becomes a serious trial for many men, even if they look at the cool pictures of Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis with envy. (more…)

  • Winter Skin Care Tips: 7 Things You Do Wrong

    Winter Skin Care Tips: 7 Things You Do Wrong

    Did you forget about moisturizer on the first day of winter and stop using body scrub until the spring season? You should reconsider your actions. We will explain why. (more…)

  • 10 Under Eye Skin Care Tips for Looking 10 Years Younger

    10 Under Eye Skin Care Tips for Looking 10 Years Younger

    The true age of a woman is said to be seen under her eyes. It’s hard to question this opinion: the experience of past years, and all the emotions are always reflected on your face as in a mirror. This wisdom can also be interpreted literally. The skin around the eyes is the most tender area of our face. So wrinkles and signs of poor sleep are immediately imprinted there. That is why such delicate areas of the body should enjoy special attention and care. Proper treatment of the skin around the eyes is able to visually make you ten years younger! (more…)

  • Top 10 Foods for Growing Long Healthy Hair

    Top 10 Foods for Growing Long Healthy Hair

    Humanity has seen all the canons of beauty throughout its history. Almost every decade puts forward its own demands to women’s (and men’s) appearance. And hairstyle in particular. Short boyish haircuts, daring “bob” and crazy curls in the disco style used to be fashionable. But long and healthy hair has always remained a symbol of female attractiveness. Even today some religions appeal to women to hide their hair not to provoke men’s sinful thoughts. But it’s not about them. It is about the fact that luxurious hair starts with proper nutrition. Are you planning to grow long thick hair? Be patient and get the products from this list. (more…)

  • 10 Female Beauty Tricks Men Secretly Hate

    10 Female Beauty Tricks Men Secretly Hate

    Many women want to know what men like because it is the only way to bedazzle them using the right weapon. You can find many articles on this topic in the Internet, but what about men’s dislikes? It is not enough to know what men like, it is important to know what repels them! Though it may not be true for all men, but still you need to know the 10 things that most of them consider unattractive. (more…)

  • 7 Reasons to Wash Your Hair the Classic Way

    7 Reasons to Wash Your Hair the Classic Way

    The fashion for dry shampoos and second-day hairstyling makes the girls wonder: how often should we wash our hair? This question is especially important for the owners of greasy hair – in winter, their hair looks stale under the hat on the second day. The experts are unanimous answering the question “to wash or not to wash?” They insist that frequent cleaning is useful for our hair and scalp. (more…)

  • 6 Best Beauty Tricks for Busy Women

    6 Best Beauty Tricks for Busy Women

    Deadlines, time pressure, and force majeure are our eternal companions in life, interfering with our intention to recover fresh appearance in the morning. You need not tell anyone that you have suffered another sleepless night – your eyes will tell this. To avoid such a treacherous betrayal, we suggest practicing a few proven beauty techniques. (more…)

  • 8 Habits of Fashionistas

    8 Habits of Fashionistas

    Stylish and well-groomed appearance is a result of daily work. While some people are envious of their fashionista friends, others begin to develop good habits. These nine basic rules will help women to always look fashionable and stylish. (more…)

  • Cosmetics Products Must-Haves for the Gym

    Cosmetics Products Must-Haves for the Gym

    It’s no secret that a gym is a place where your body works hard and is really tested for durability. After an intensive training, your beauty needs special recovery. So, we’ve compiled a list of must-have beauty products that will be useful throughout the training and till the very moment you leave the gym. Indeed, the body will be grateful for using these products. (more…)

  • 8 Myths & Truths about Hair Care

    8 Myths & Truths about Hair Care

    All of us are victims of advertising to some extent. You can agree that despite the useful habit of thinking critically about everything, it is sometimes so tempting to believe in beautiful promises and buy another meaningless item. This is especially true when it concerns health and beauty products – the basic area of marketing. Well, it is difficult not to buy a shampoo that promises to make your hair 85% stronger or reduce hair loss by 66%! In order not to be hooked by enticing slogans and not to waste your money, do not forget about the popular hair care myths. After all, a lot of advertising campaigns are built around these myths. (more…)