Tag Archives: mistakes

Worst Makeup Mistakes Women Make

The Internet gives a lot of beauty tips and videos that promise to teach in a minute how to become a princess with the help of simple makeup techniques. Yet, this abundance of information makes people feel confused and forces them to smudge their faces with makeup. The editors of Womendialogue.com decided to analyze the most common makeup mistakes that even the best of us make. Continue reading Worst Makeup Mistakes Women Make

8 Hair Dye Mistakes You Make

Hair care is a whole science, and taking care of dyed hair is nuclear physics! Still, any science can be learned. Are you tired of having the color washed out quickly? Does it annoy you when the color does not look the way you expect or when hair turns into a loofah? Then you need to immediately correct these mistakes in hair care that most of us make. Continue reading 8 Hair Dye Mistakes You Make

8 Biggest Wedding Planning Mistakes & Regrets

Wedding day is called the happiest day, but most often it is one of the hardest days in the life of a bride. Only after the celebration, you realize that the choice of location, the guest list and the hotel room for newlyweds were dictated by traditions and stereotypes rather than by your desire and common sense. Fortunately, those who have not married yet can learn from other people’s mistakes. We can tell you what couples often regret about after their wedding. Continue reading 8 Biggest Wedding Planning Mistakes & Regrets