Month: November 2018

  • How You Can Tell that the Guy Really Cares

    How You Can Tell that the Guy Really Cares

    You came round to discussing your feelings – but can you be sure that what you hear from your best guy in the world is the truth and nothing but the truth? On the contrary, you can bet your bottom dollar there will be attempts to hide the real thing. No guy can be relied upon to open his heart to you the moment it dawned on him that you are his special person. In his understanding, it won’t be cool at all! Yet you want to know what is going on in his head/heart more than everything else. You have been dating long enough for you to get to base two, you know you are ready and willing to, but what about him, what does he feel? No, he won’t tell. And you (quite understandably) hesitate to broach the subject – it might derail your current relationship and cause unwelcome friction. It seems to be a stumbling block. (more…)

  • Is Your Man a Mama’s Boy?

    Is Your Man a Mama’s Boy?

    “You are only mine,” the woman thinks about her husband, meaning that he has chosen her among the other candidates whom he encountered in his life. However, sometimes, when you stop competing with female rivals, a new war for the man‘s attention starts – this time with his mother. This is an unpleasant surprise, for sure. Are you still thinking your man is not a mama’s boy? Read our text and check it out. (more…)