How to Keep Your Sanity and Good Mood on Self-Isolation?

Afraid to lose your sanity on self-isolation? You’re not alone. While in some countries the restrictions are being loosened, in some, they are tightened like never before. If you’re still at home and can’t get outside at all or for more than an hour a day or week, follow our simple tips to feel better and not get that stressed because of the pandemic.

So, how can you feel “normal” again?

Follow your daily (and weekly) rituals

If you’re used to applying mascara every day in the morning because you go to work, do it on self-isolation. Facials twice a week, vacuuming your car every Saturday, reading a book on a Sunday afternoon and so on.

Get dressed, don’t spend the whole day in your pajamas. This will make you feel less difference to normality.

Use your perfume

Who uses perfume at home? A deodorant is a must, but that’s about not smelling badly. What about smelling good too? For many women, smelling something they enjoy could raise their spirits, even if the day hasn’t gone well. Just try using your favorite fragrance at home too, you’ll feel the difference!

For those who don’t have one or don’t use fragrances, what about a room diffuser with a scent? Citrus, especially lemon, is said to be a good mood booster, for example!

Stick to a schedule

Even if you don’t have to wake up early, try to do it at least at the same time daily. This will make the whole process more predictable for your body. Thus, the right hormones will be released at the right time to help you, for example, fall asleep faster or feel less tired in the morning. The same rule is for food.

Don’t overeat (at least try not to). Set specific times for breakfast, lunch, snack time and so on – just like in “normal” life.

Spend 30 minutes daily on your hobby

Even 20 minutes would be enough to get better at what you like. Playing the piano, sewing, baking etc. If you don’t have a hobby or yours is not available at the moment to the pandemic, it’s great time to find a new hobby! Try doing something you’ve never tried or always wanted to try but there was never time for it.

Spend another 30 minutes on sports

Yes, now you have the time. And you will look and feel better. Jogging, yoga with a free Youtube video lesson, table tennis. Anything available to you. Jumping a rope or doing some simple exercises with your own weight wold do great!

Also, if you’re not that into sports, try walking. If you’re allowed to, just walk at least 30 minutes daily in the fresh air. It clears your mind, does good to your body and lifts your spirits. After a walk, making decisions is much easier!

Don’t watch TV

STOP WATCHING THE NEWS! Stop reading news on the internet! I’m sure you already know everything you need about the coronavirus. Every one is a COVID expert these days. There will be new stats, new sides of the disease, new tips on how to avoid it or even new conspiracy theories. Scientists will find new facts and claim that what was said before isn’t true anymore. Don’t get fixed on COVID, better think about yourself, your family and your wellbeing.

Enjoy the lack of rush

No traffic jams, no more coming too late to meetings, no more stress! Start enjoying the positive sides of the pandemic. It’s so easy! You can sleep longer, you can watch your favorite show while having lunch on a workday. When else would you dare?

With these easy tips you will get the feeling of normality much faster despite having to stay at home longer than you’re used to. Just follow these tips and try to enjoy this time. It’s your life now and you’re responsible for living it this or another way. Make it a happy life!