How to Wash Your Hair Less Often and Keep it Clean?

The desire to wash your hair less often is natural for those who are tired of doing it every day or who want to keep its color longer.

Switch to sulfate-free shampoos

For dry scalp and colored hair, the sulfate-free shampoo will be salvation: it does not wash out the beneficial substances that contribute to natural hydration and color. However, there are disadvantages: if you have long hair, be prepared to shampoo it several times.

For the owners of oily scalp, such a remedy is not suitable. It does not clean well enough, but in case of greasy hair, “cleaning” should be twice as effective due to the active work of the sebaceous glands.

Wash your hair naturally

A few years ago, it became popular in the United States to abandon shampoos in favor of washing your hair with plain water and flour. The essence of the “unwashed philosophy” is that, according to many people, modern hair washing products contain too many chemical elements that only clean the hair for a little while.

On the second or third day (some “lucky people” wash their hair daily), the curls get dirty again and require shampoo. It looks like a vicious circle, which many take for a conspiracy of cosmetics manufacturers.

In general, if you do not have problems with the scalp (irritation or dandruff) and if you are not the owner of oily hair, the method may work well. However, you will have to be patient: the hair will get dirty faster during the first 3-4 weeks. It will be important not to return to the good old shampoos. This method will allow you to wash your hair once a week, or even less often.

Use dry shampoo

Dry shampoo can bring your hair to life in a couple of minutes: it instantly absorbs excess fat from the roots. However, in the evening you still have to wash your hair – the next day the miracle remedy is unlikely to save the situation.

Do not overuse dry shampoo and use it every day: it can clog pores, which will cause irritation and dandruff.

Do a hairstyle

On the second or third day after washing your hair, you can do a hairstyle to mask the stale look of your hair. Simple braids, tails and bundles will come in handy. The final choice of styling depends on the length of the hair and its structure.

Touch your hair less often

Try to get rid of the habit of touching your hair unnecessarily, even with clean hands. By doing so, you distribute sebum from the roots along the entire length.

Get your hormones tested

Hair that becomes dirty after 12-24 hours may signal the presence of hormonal disruptions. This phenomenon is typical in adolescence, during pregnancy, or during menopause. The problem may arise if you have recently started (or abruptly stopped) taking birth control. Take tests for hormones and consult with an endocrinologist.

Do not abuse styling products

Pursuing the perfect hairstyle, we often put too much mousse, gel or varnish on our hair. All these products can adversely affect the condition of the hair. Their particles clog pores and prevent the scalp from breathing. As a result, the hair becomes oilier and instantly looks dirty.

If you can’t do a hairstyle without extra products, follow their composition: the fewer incomprehensible words and symbols on the label, the better.

Avoid high temperatures

Do not wash your hair with too hot water: high temperatures destroy the natural protective layer of the skin, causing it to become oilier (this is again due to the activation of the sebaceous glands). For the same reason, you should not turn on the hair dryer at full power. Ideally, you should let your hair dry naturally.