How to Help a Depressed Partner

When one partner hit a black streak or experienced a trauma that drove him or her into a state of depression, it will certainly tell on the other partner. To begin with, their life together becomes riddled with negativity, unhappiness and excessive criticism; meanwhile, the suffering partner steadfastly refused to believe he or she has an issue that ought to be addressed. Continue reading How to Help a Depressed Partner

Hair Building Fibers Are Great for Hair Loss

What do you notice first when meeting a new person? Clothing, color of eyes, tidy nails? Scientists say that it is hair. It occupies a relatively large area of the body and influences the perception of our appearance greatly. In particular, it affects our attractiveness. It is not surprising that natural hair loss becomes a serious trial for many men, even if they look at the cool pictures of Vin Diesel and Bruce Willis with envy. Continue reading Hair Building Fibers Are Great for Hair Loss

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