Tag Archives: communication

7 Signs of a Toxic Friendship

Toxic friends are not always as obviously seen as the three Heathers from the cult Heathers comedy. There is a very fine line between friendly banter and frank mockery, especially when it comes to people you consider close. Toxic friends have various methods of influence: criticism, competition, deceit, and manipulation. All this is generously sprinkled with gossip and masked by the main argument – care.
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10 Ways to Be Just Friends with a Guy

Whatever people may say, the friendship between the sexes is possible. After all, we are not primitive people, who are guided by their instincts and the harsh realities of evolution. We are granted with feelings, reason, and social norms of behavior. If you’re lucky enough to have a friend of the opposite sex, let this friendship happen, and in order to avoid dramas and the hopeless friend zone for one of you, have a look at the tips on how to prevent the situation from spinning out of control. Continue reading 10 Ways to Be Just Friends with a Guy

How to Communicate with a Person Who Keeps Breaking Promises?

Why do people who made themselves clear saying they want to see you fail to pick up the phone five minutes before the meeting? The next day they call and say that they forgot, did not have enough time, fell ill, or their phone was discharged. All these reasons sound plausible only the first couple of times. Continue reading How to Communicate with a Person Who Keeps Breaking Promises?

What to Do If You Hate Your Partner’s Friends?

The most unloved stage in a relationship is getting to know the guy’s environment. You seem to just get used to it when suddenly you meet the people who should not have anything to do with your man. If all of his friends cause negative emotions, it’s worth thinking about whether you really know this guy well. Continue reading What to Do If You Hate Your Partner’s Friends?