How to Get Rid of Old Stuff?

Your apartment has long begun to resemble a junk dealer’s warehouse, but you do not have the courage to get rid of old stuff that has become unnecessary for a long time? We will tell you how to part with it painlessly.

A warehouse of unnecessary things

This is what our parents did, and we continue to do this: we leave the clothes and shoes of the first child for the second one to wear. After the second baby grows up, we save the old stuff for the grandchildren, the dishes are used by adult children, and so on, although at the same time we can afford not to save on new things for a long time.

The same is true about your own clothing. A wardrobe, divided into three parts, where the best places are taken by the things you don’t dare to get rid of is a reality for many people.

Determine the scope of work

Our main explanation to ourselves why we cannot throw out this or that thing is “What if it comes in handy.” The reason is so-so, in fact, because it’s high time to understand that with every year you will have more coats, trousers, skirts, dresses that have become small, large, or just out of fashion. You risk suffocating among the things that are dear to your heart. In fact, these are absolutely useless wardrobe items.

There is only one criterion in the selection of the unnecessary: if a thing has not come in handy within a year or two, it will never be needed again.

Don’t try to do all the work at once

You should not take on an unbearable burden and try to disassemble all the wardrobes at once, because such an idea can ultimately lead to an even greater mess not only in the wardrobe but also in thoughts.

Any grand cleaning is best done in stages, devoting 10 minutes a day to this activity, or more if you feel strong enough. And if you have free time, you can spend most of the day sorting out boring clothes.

Most importantly, psychologists advise: do not forget to praise yourself for every step on the way to an empty closet, so the process will seem much easier to you.

Enjoy the process

It is a big mistake to perceive general cleaning as a heavy-duty that threatens you like the sword of Damocles – in this case, you can forget about progress. You are more likely to make excuses for yourself to get rid of this dreary routine. Try to perceive getting rid of the trash as a process of liberation, a step towards inner completeness and clarity.

While cleaning, focus on your breathing, on your body, on your movements, on your feelings about the things you are taking apart. This simple rule will help you love your home again.

An exception

It is not at all necessary to get rid of all things without exception. Some trinkets, bags, or shoes may be associated with pleasant and dear memories, and it is wrong to get rid of such “household residents”.

Anything that still does not go to the trash heap or thrift store must be ventilated, washed, and ironed well – things should always be in good condition. Wrinkled and even dirty clothes mean germs, and germs lead to diseases. Do not forget about this.

However, if you are still a collector by nature, the law of balance acts like this: you will soon have as many new clothes like the ones you threw away. It is yet another topic about how to avoid buying unnecessary things.