The midlife crisis is an expression so firmly incorporated into our speech that we already consider it to be normal for most adults. It is commonly believed that the midlife crisis mostly concerns men. However, this is not quite so. Women also tend to experience psychological discomfort between 35-40. However, psychological problems associated with this stage of maturity in women are usually not as destructive as in men. Continue reading Midlife Crisis in Men: How to Help?
All posts by Claire London
Hypoallergenic Cosmetics: How to Choose It?
Hypoallergenic cosmetic products are called by far the safest ones. Yet, is it really so, and can their composition cause a negative reaction on the skin? Continue reading Hypoallergenic Cosmetics: How to Choose It?
Best Habits for Looking Younger
You should understand that the sensitive area around the eyes gives away your age almost in the first place. The skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is very thin, there are practically no sebaceous glands there – that is why it needs the most protection from the sun’s rays, which cause premature aging. In addition, when squinting in the sun, you make the crow’s feet deeper and more noticeable (by the way, the same happens when you squint from a computer screen). So, make conclusions and never leave home without quality glasses, even in winter. Continue reading Best Habits for Looking Younger
Phone Snubbing Can Destroy Relationships
Phone snubbing is a social phenomenon which is spreading so that many feel there must be a special word for it. The obvious choice is “phubbing” (Millennials will be long remembered for coining new words like “bae” or “fomo”) as an instantly recognized hybrid word. To cross the t’s it means that somebody pays more attention to their phone than to the person they are currently with. Continue reading Phone Snubbing Can Destroy Relationships
Most Common Excuses for Cheating in a Relationship
There is no objective reason for cheating. Yet, when faced with cheating, you still ask yourself the question: “Why did he do it?”. The researchers, studying treachery, distinguish several clear psychological models, which are followed by most cheaters. We have figured out how those who cheat on their partners think. Continue reading Most Common Excuses for Cheating in a Relationship
Why Do Ex-Boyfriends Come Back?
You must be familiar with the situation when your ex likes your photos on Instagram, texts you in social networks and offers to see each other for a cup of coffee, even if he is married. He sends flowers, types long texts, but doesn’t say he wants a relationship again. Exes like to appear suddenly when least expected. This urgent “We need to talk” or “Let’s meet at the gas station”. For him, this is a meaningless encounter. However, you have suffered for a year and shed oceans of tears, and he is as cool as a cucumber. Continue reading Why Do Ex-Boyfriends Come Back?
Hair Repair Secrets Only Hairstylists Know
Hair mask is not a rare product, but still not everyone knows how to use it properly. Today we will share the secrets of hair repair, which only hair stylists know. Continue reading Hair Repair Secrets Only Hairstylists Know
30 Lifehacks to Save Money on Your Wedding Budget
Wedding preparation is a large-scale event, which makes us seriously consider all expenses. Today we have prepared 30 tips that will optimize and reduce the cost of your wedding. Continue reading 30 Lifehacks to Save Money on Your Wedding Budget
Why Women Are Misdiagnosed More Frequently
Among the general population it is only becoming recently known that women struggle to be diagnosed correctly and are often not believed when they have a health problem. Among women themselves, many are already aware that they are not given appropriate treatment or are not taken seriously when they go to the hospital or to the doctor with pain or a medical issue that cannot be figured out. The reasons behind this disparity are only now beginning to be determined. Continue reading Why Women Are Misdiagnosed More Frequently
Anti-Age Brow Makeup
Eyebrows also change with age: they can thin out and droop a little. We are ready for these changes, and we know how to correct them with the help of make-up. Continue reading Anti-Age Brow Makeup