He wants morning sex, while she wants morning coffee. She finds that making love several times a month is enough, while he is ready for love victories on a daily basis. In one form or another, almost every couple faces intimate dissonance. How to separate quite common difficulties from a serious conflict of temperaments and what to do in various cases of “mismatch”? (more…)
Tag: love
6 Surprising Reasons Why You’re Still Single
If you are absolutely unlucky in your personal life, do not blame the surrounding people or force majeure circumstances for your failure. It is better to start with yourself, so think about whether you are doing everything to change the situation. Geniusbeauty.com talked to psychologists and identified the main reasons why you are still single. (more…)
Why You Should Stop Looking for a Perfect Man
It’s always difficult with perfect men: even the best of them only seem perfect at first sight. Sooner or later, their flaws are revealed. Reaching thirty, any woman is faced with a choice: what is better – being alone or with whoever. (more…)
10 Trifling Things Women Appreciate More Than Men Believe
The relationship between the sexes often resembles an endless battle. Major stakes are at issue, but these cannot be won or lost in a short period of time. Meanwhile, in the interims, there are so many little things that could endear partners to each other as surely as the sun rises on your union with each new day. (more…)
15 Things in Dating That Cause Much Hesitating
There are so many things to consider when you’re dating, so many thoughts swirling around in your head – well, we can get at least some of them out of the way and firmly settled in your mind. Now, what is perfectly all right to do and not to do without creasing your brow over it? (more…)
5 Blunders in Relationships That Are Almost Unavoidable
See if you are guilty of them too! We all know how unstable relationships can be – everything comes along fine and then topples suddenly when we least expect it because of some reason that we were wont to play down. Almost mechanically one partner lays the blame on the other’s door, although we all know that both of them are usually at fault. (more…)
Why Do You Always Date the Wrong Guys?
Married men, alcoholics, abusers, kept men, chronically unemployed… If you have never met a normal man, does this mean that they no longer exist? Or is it just you are so catastrophically unlucky? (more…)
What Do Men Do to Get Ready for the First Date?
The first date brings a wonderful sensation of butterflies in your stomach, a slight excitement, and the thoughts “what if he is the one” and “what if I want to invite him to my place.” However, this expectation can mean something completely different to your guy: complex hygienic rituals, increased sweating, and stress. (more…)
9 Reasons to Date a Writer
A writer is one of the sexiest images of an ideal man. He is often responsible, creative, and in need of love just like any other romantic guy. Surprisingly, a lot of women believe that a male writer absolutely does not know how to build a relationship, and this occupation does not seem attractive to them. He can be compared to Hank Moody from Californication, constantly spoiling everything and getting into trouble. Still, we would like to disagree with them.