What Do Men Do to Get Ready for the First Date?

The first date brings a wonderful sensation of butterflies in your stomach, a slight excitement, and the thoughts “what if he is the one” and “what if I want to invite him to my place.” However, this expectation can mean something completely different to your guy: complex hygienic rituals, increased sweating, and stress.

Guys make an effort to prepare for a date, and here are some of their wildest actions:

They shave everywhere

This procedure has been immortalized in the comedies “American Pie” and “The 40-Year-Old Virgin”. In the UK, there was a survey which found that shaving pubic hair is one of the three priority rituals to prepare for a date. 3% of guys even practice Brazilian hair removal! It sounds funny, but this survey also found that 25% of guys get injured during such shaving. A heroic deed, isn’t it?

By the way, not all of these feats are needed: 45% of women say that a man should be hairy enough in intimate places.

They buy new clothes

The same research included the purchase of underwear into the list of important rituals. Wouldn’t it be easier to simply put on clean briefs? Popular Debenhams department store regularly conducts surveys and states that an average man buys new innerwear only if he is going to start a new relationship.

Quite a disturbing generalization, so let us hope that the scientists are mistaken. But this study also says that men are not responsible for their underwear. First, their mother buys it, and then their wife or girlfriend. This may mean that guys think of buying briefs as of buying paper napkins if they get acquainted with a large number of women. But once the relationship turns into a serious one, they stop thinking about it.

They workout

Muscles are not built after just one workout, right? But some men don’t seem to think so and rush to the gym the day before the date. Of course, if a man exercises regularly, another unscheduled workout will improve the situation: increase self-esteem and boost self-confidence. But if he usually spends time on the couch, no magic workout will fix his lazy body overnight. Moreover, if you get to the gym after months of no training, you can get an injury or serious pain in your muscles, which will ruin your date. What are the guys thinking about?

They masturbate

Believe it or not, masturbation before a date is a sacred thing. Sexologists confirm that masturbation improves men’s overall well-being and reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer, so many guys are eager to take care of their health right on the eve of an important event. As long as this practice does not interfere with his job or meetings, there is nothing to worry about. So, if he is late for the date with you, he might have a reason…

They try to smell like a girl’s father

This is the strangest habit in this list. It is a little anecdotal, but a few guys said on Buzzfeed and Reddit that they had tried to find out what perfume the girl’s father used to smell familiar. There is a scientific explanation: the University of Chicago confirmed that women subconsciously prefer a perfume similar to that of their fathers.

The girls who do not suffer from this whim may find this behavior weird. How does this apply to physical attraction? But this function of our body implies that genetic markers of the immune system are drawn to someone similar to develop resistance to diseases. In other words, if someone smells familiar, you will be happy together.

They delete their browsing history

Some guys have another unusual ritual: they clear the phone’s memory before going on a date. What if the new girl sees something disturbing? Some men think it necessary to clear even the Instagram search history. What a stupid thing to do! Why then build a relationship with a girl who can go crazy because you have watched the photos of models with toned buttocks. According to MobilePhoneChecker polls, every second girl peeps in the phone of her new boyfriend during the first date. That is a perfect reason for paranoia!

They read how to communicate correctly

Yes, meeting a new person is always unnerving, but some men even search for instructions on having a successful conversation. Dating gurus advise talking about the surroundings. Have you ever heard the phrase “such a nice evening”? This is because the man’s brain strives to sort through the topics, but cannot find anything that could be discussed. Men’s magazines stick to this idea and offer original questions: “What do you want to do before you die?” or “Which year of your life was the best one?”. Guys really need to talk about normal things – this is not a job interview!

They act like private detectives

Cyber surveillance is an indispensable condition in the Tinder era. What if the girl was arrested for indecent behavior? Guys simply fail to understand that it is a bad idea to surf the Internet trying to find out whom they are going to date with. It kills the romance. When a guy finds a lot of information and tries to understand whether he has anything in common with the girl, a pleasant flair of mystery disappears. Whether you match each other or not is difficult to understand via the Internet. You need to sit next to her and drink beer to feel the emotional connection.

They write too much

Given that there are so many services and applications for virtual communication, people are not in a hurry to go on a date. You have been communicating for several weeks instead of trying to meet or talk on the phone, and the man still continues to text private messages. The answer is simple: men are lazy. But here’s what you need to remind them: no woman has ever fallen in love with an emoji.