Tag: love

  • 15 Things Wives Want to Know but Won’t Ask

    15 Things Wives Want to Know but Won’t Ask

    If we consider how many subjects husbands and wives would rather shun, they could make a long list. While two people live together, they can discuss meals, movies, and arrangements for parties freely – yet topics keep springing up that spouses feel could make their lives skating on thin ice. Men know the main danger topics fairly well; they are taught early in the day what issues had better be left unbroached, like you won’t want to inquire of your girlfriend or wife whether she looked a bit plumper this time or maybe you are mistaken? (more…)

  • 7 Lies to Be Winked at by Wives – and 8 Lies That Can Sever Ties

    7 Lies to Be Winked at by Wives – and 8 Lies That Can Sever Ties

    This little article does simplify the matters a little – we all know that marriage goes on to embrace much, much more than 15 kinds of lie! You will need a fine art of constant ruses to take you along – and you will be hard put to it to do without a little help from a fib. That’s just one of those things. We have to resort to lying on a regular basis, and the lies grow fast when children step in. (more…)

  • 6 Problems You’ll Encounter When Traveling as a Couple

    6 Problems You’ll Encounter When Traveling as a Couple

    You cannot say you know your boyfriend well until you do several things together: quarrel, drink alcohol and travel. The last item includes the first two, so we’ll dwell upon it in detail. Your first vacation as a couple can be more revealing than all the time you have already spent together. You decide whether you are ready to travel with this guy. So you need to know what problems you may encounter during the first trip together and find the ways to solve them. (more…)

  • 6 Ideas for a Home Date

    6 Ideas for a Home Date

    A film, beer, and takeaway food. Is this a simple picture of your usual weekend with a guy? Welcome to the club “We have been living together for a long time, so good-bye romance”. It seems that you can only shake you up and create a special atmosphere by going to a restaurant or a zoo, but your apartment is equally suitable for a good evening. Here’s a clue to an ideal home date. The ingredients include simple and long-forgotten charms. Candles, erotic lingerie, and rose petals do not belong to them. (more…)

  • What Is a Breadcrumb Relationship?

    What Is a Breadcrumb Relationship?

    Girls often write to us with a request to help them understand the reasons for men’s actions: why they show their girlfriend that they like her, and then they don’t want to date. Men make a lot of compliments and then ignore the girl. They write romantic messages without the slightest hint of a date. (more…)

  • Check-List before Getting Married

    Check-List before Getting Married

    You are on the verge of getting married, congrats! It can be the most exciting day of your life… But it can also be a rash step that you will come to regret later. It’s always advisable to make dead sure that you have the right man or woman alongside you that you can devote yourself to without reservations. (more…)

  • 6 Signs You’re Emotionally Addicted to Your Partner

    6 Signs You’re Emotionally Addicted to Your Partner

    It happens that in a relationship one of the partners is emotionally dependent, and the other partner is emotionally distracted. The first one complains about the lack of time to be spent with the partner, whereas the other person feels the need for personal space. It is interesting that both aspects of this system have nothing to do with love. (more…)

  • 6 Steps to Surviving Infidelity

    6 Steps to Surviving Infidelity

    Unfortunately or fortunately, living together does not always consist of joint visits to coffee houses, bouquets of roses, and romantic experiences. Sooner or later, we begin to live together. After a year, the passion goes away, and convenient habitual affection takes its place, life begins to get boring, and then it’s like a bolt from the blue: “He cheats on me!” It is not important how you learned about it, it is not important what led to it. It is important how you survive the consequences of infidelity. We have compiled a short list of actions that will definitely help to cope with heartache. (more…)

  • Signs of a Truly Equal Relationship

    Signs of a Truly Equal Relationship

    Feminist values do not contradict the desire to create a family. The main thing is to find a person who will share your beliefs. Approaching relations as a partnership is the surest way to create a healthy family. The family model is laid from the first days of living together. Here are some expert tips for those who find it important to maintain equality in relations. (more…)

  • Most Common Mistakes in a New Relationship

    Most Common Mistakes in a New Relationship

    It’s not enough to find a good guy, you need to somehow carry the romance, respect, passion and other pleasant attributes of the candy-bouquet period into a serious relationship. The first stage is the easiest and the most important, because it sets the tone for your entire life together. We are talking about the basic mistakes that people make at the beginning of the affair, and how to build a healthy relationship with a new guy. (more…)