All posts by Claire London

Why Avoid Frequent Exfoliating & Peeling?

Cells on human skin die every 30 days. Their particles clog the pores and block the access of oxygen to other skin cells. A peeling procedure removes the dead cornified layer from the skin surface, transforms and refreshes the face. The market of peeling procedures is so diverse today that you can undergo them in the salon and at home. The most common care procedures, however, have a number of contraindications. Who should abandon peeling? Continue reading Why Avoid Frequent Exfoliating & Peeling?

How to Recognize When He’s Lying to You?

When the suspicion that your very special person is trying to put one or two over you or disguise something sets in, the relationship is bound to acquire strain. As soon as you catch him out on small things like when he wasn’t where he said he was, you can’t get rid of a thought that there may be another woman involved.
Continue reading How to Recognize When He’s Lying to You?

7 Signs of a Toxic Friendship

Toxic friends are not always as obviously seen as the three Heathers from the cult Heathers comedy. There is a very fine line between friendly banter and frank mockery, especially when it comes to people you consider close. Toxic friends have various methods of influence: criticism, competition, deceit, and manipulation. All this is generously sprinkled with gossip and masked by the main argument – care.
Continue reading 7 Signs of a Toxic Friendship

10 Trifling Things Women Appreciate More Than Men Believe

The relationship between the sexes often resembles an endless battle. Major stakes are at issue, but these cannot be won or lost in a short period of time. Meanwhile, in the interims, there are so many little things that could endear partners to each other as surely as the sun rises on your union with each new day. Continue reading 10 Trifling Things Women Appreciate More Than Men Believe

5 Blunders in Relationships That Are Almost Unavoidable

See if you are guilty of them too! We all know how unstable relationships can be – everything comes along fine and then topples suddenly when we least expect it because of some reason that we were wont to play down. Almost mechanically one partner lays the blame on the other’s door, although we all know that both of them are usually at fault. Continue reading 5 Blunders in Relationships That Are Almost Unavoidable

6 Nice Things Men Do That Turn Out To Be Manipulation

When you meet a charming charismatic man, it’s hard to resist his charm. The problem is that such people can use their irresistibility to manipulate others. It’s a pity that they do not have an inscription on their chest saying “I’ll ruin your life.” Well, even if they did, it would hardly be a warning because they look very attentive and sincere! Continue reading 6 Nice Things Men Do That Turn Out To Be Manipulation