A writer is one of the sexiest images of an ideal man. He is often responsible, creative, and in need of love just like any other romantic guy. Surprisingly, a lot of women believe that a male writer absolutely does not know how to build a relationship, and this occupation does not seem attractive to them. He can be compared to Hank Moody from Californication, constantly spoiling everything and getting into trouble. Still, we would like to disagree with them.
Continue reading 9 Reasons to Date a Writer
All posts by Claire London
7 Signs of a True Gentleman
Stereotypical gender roles have evolved over the years: their traditional essence has practically disappeared. Many things have changed since the 1600s: today’s gentlemen do not have to open a door before you or stand up when you leave the table. Today it is important that he considers you equal. He is not afraid that he will be called a feminist because he believes that everyone can be successful. A modern gentleman knows that the degree of his masculinity does not determine who he is. Here are a few more features that will help you recognize a true gentleman of our days: Continue reading 7 Signs of a True Gentleman
5 Reasons to Say No to Sex on the First Date
Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had an iron rule – never kiss on the first date. Times change. The crazy rhythm of life and the appearance of date apps like Tinder dictate new rules. Nowadays even sex on the first date is not rare. In fact, sex on the first date is not the best solution. Find out why. Continue reading 5 Reasons to Say No to Sex on the First Date
15 Things Wives Want to Know but Won’t Ask
If we consider how many subjects husbands and wives would rather shun, they could make a long list. While two people live together, they can discuss meals, movies, and arrangements for parties freely – yet topics keep springing up that spouses feel could make their lives skating on thin ice. Men know the main danger topics fairly well; they are taught early in the day what issues had better be left unbroached, like you won’t want to inquire of your girlfriend or wife whether she looked a bit plumper this time or maybe you are mistaken? Continue reading 15 Things Wives Want to Know but Won’t Ask
7 Lies to Be Winked at by Wives – and 8 Lies That Can Sever Ties
This little article does simplify the matters a little – we all know that marriage goes on to embrace much, much more than 15 kinds of lie! You will need a fine art of constant ruses to take you along – and you will be hard put to it to do without a little help from a fib. That’s just one of those things. We have to resort to lying on a regular basis, and the lies grow fast when children step in. Continue reading 7 Lies to Be Winked at by Wives – and 8 Lies That Can Sever Ties
How to Communicate with a Person Who Keeps Breaking Promises?
Why do people who made themselves clear saying they want to see you fail to pick up the phone five minutes before the meeting? The next day they call and say that they forgot, did not have enough time, fell ill, or their phone was discharged. All these reasons sound plausible only the first couple of times. Continue reading How to Communicate with a Person Who Keeps Breaking Promises?
6 Problems You’ll Encounter When Traveling as a Couple
You cannot say you know your boyfriend well until you do several things together: quarrel, drink alcohol and travel. The last item includes the first two, so we’ll dwell upon it in detail. Your first vacation as a couple can be more revealing than all the time you have already spent together. You decide whether you are ready to travel with this guy. So you need to know what problems you may encounter during the first trip together and find the ways to solve them. Continue reading 6 Problems You’ll Encounter When Traveling as a Couple
6 Ideas for a Home Date
A film, beer, and takeaway food. Is this a simple picture of your usual weekend with a guy? Welcome to the club “We have been living together for a long time, so good-bye romance”. It seems that you can only shake you up and create a special atmosphere by going to a restaurant or a zoo, but your apartment is equally suitable for a good evening. Here’s a clue to an ideal home date. The ingredients include simple and long-forgotten charms. Candles, erotic lingerie, and rose petals do not belong to them. Continue reading 6 Ideas for a Home Date
Tips for Taking a Timeout in a Relationship & Making it Work
Sometimes the last chance to keep a relationship alive is to separate for a while. A timeout can, of course, end with a final break or move you to the next level of trust and understanding. It depends on how the partners negotiate the terms of this timeout. Here are the basic rules of a break in the relationship. They will help you understand yourself and make the right decision. Continue reading Tips for Taking a Timeout in a Relationship & Making it Work
Behavior Patterns to Get Rid of
Do not think that adult life is an excuse to give up what makes you happy. As long as the roller coaster in the amusement park survives your weight, fun should go on. Nevertheless, there are habits that make us unhappy. And you, like any mature and self-sufficient woman, have to get rid of them. Continue reading Behavior Patterns to Get Rid of