The Importance of Support for Women Living with Endometriosis

Around the world, charities and other awareness movements are giving rise to more education, support, and fundraising for this common disease. To date, endometriosis impacts an estimated 176 million women across the globe, with nearly 2 million in the UK alone. Endometriosis can have a drastic, negative influence on an adult woman during her most reproductive years, and impacts are far-reaching in terms of societal, economic, and personal costs. Having a month dedicated to endometriosis and the women who live with the disease is necessary for creating a louder, stronger voice meant to make a difference in endometriosis diagnosis, treatment, and research. Continue reading The Importance of Support for Women Living with Endometriosis

Relationship Problems Millennials Face

Millenials, grown up in the world of dating applications, instant messengers, and unlimited social connections, treat romantic relationships differently than other generations. Although understanding between the genders has never been perfect, those who were born in the late 20th century face their unique challenges. Most of them are related to the development of technologies, which have influenced the interaction between people. Here are a few problems in the relationships that millennials most often face. Continue reading Relationship Problems Millennials Face