Can You Get Grey Hair at 18?

Genetics, wrong image or care: who or what is to blame for the early manifestation of gray hair. In the shop, look for products that are suitable for gray and dyed hair and read the expert opinion on the appearance of silver strands in girls’ hair below.

Why gray hair can appear at an early age

Melanin is the pigment that makes up human hair. When melanin ceases to be produced in the body, the hair loses its color and becomes seemingly transparent, that is, gray. This happens as follows: the muscle that pushes the hair tightens and contracts strongly, but it does not always manage to return to its natural position, so the hair ceases to absorb melanin and becomes white.

Many people think that gray hair is an aging process, but the early appearance of “silver” hair is often associated with genetics and lifestyle (the more stress and bad habits, the higher the risk of “catching” it). Sometimes gray hair appears in segments and in separate shreds – even this is inherent in our genes. By the way, the same factors can affect the appearance of an early menopause.

How to prevent the early appearance of gray hair

In addition to the advice to reduce the amount of stress and worrying in life (we are well aware that it is difficult to bring this to life in the modern world), experts believe that eating vegetables and berries containing carotene helps to produce melanin. The leaders on this list are carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes, red peppers, blueberries, and black currants. Regular head massage can also save from early silvery.

There are cases when people who have turned gray stop constantly being nervous and worried and then notice that after some time the number of gray hair decreases quite noticeably. The mechanism of the phenomenon is understandable – the muscle relaxes and admits melanin into the hair structure.

It is important to understand that gray hair is not a sign of weakness or ugliness, but a normal natural phenomenon. You can not only live with it, but also live happily. Moreover, inventors have taken care of us and come up with dyes.

How to deal with gray hair

If you notice a gray hair on your head, do not tear it out in any case. Because of this, the hair next to it can also close and fail to let melanin pass through it, which means it will also turn gray. It is better to carefully cut it off at the base or dye.

If gray hair does not bother you, but you would like to dim its brightness, the ideal assistant is a tinting dye. It gives the hair a light shade, but is not able to color the gray hair completely; however, it will definitely remove the shine for a month. You can, for example, color your strands in a platinum ash tone. This is the actual color that many girls use, even without gray hair. Shampoos with a purple pigment are also useful in hair care since they neutralize yellowness on dyed and gray hair.